DACTARI : DAtabase for Chemical Toxicity and radiotoxicity Assessment of RadIonuclides
PARACELSUS (1493-1541)
Dosis Sola facit venenum
Dosimetric impact studies aim at evaluating potential radiological effects of chronic or acute releases from nuclear facilities.
An initial step consisted in identifying and collecting data necessary to apply the methodology, with reference to a previous database of long-lived radionuclides (LLRN, with half-lifes ranging from 30 to 1014 years) containing 95 radionuclides. The initial results have allowed us to identify missing data and revealed the need to complete the study for both toxic and radiotoxic aspects.
The second step consisted in developing a specific database, DACTARI, to collect data on chemical toxicity and radiotoxicity, including acute or chronic toxicity, the chemical form of the compounds, the contamination route (ingestion, inhalation), lethal doses, target organs, intestinal and foetal-maternal transfer, drinking water guidelines, and the mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. This database actually contains 43 radionuclides
When you click on an element from this periodic table, you will obtain specific information on its physico-chemical properties, its acute toxicity and its chronic toxicity.
When you click on one of the 6 results, entitled radiotoxicity, lethal dose, carcinogenicity, ingestion factor, dose coefficients or decorporation you will have access either to a detailed graph or to a coloured table of the 43 elements.
Results |
Lethal Dose 50 (LD50) :
Lethal dose of a toxic substance or radiation is the dose required to kill half the members of a tested population after a specified test duration. LD50 figures are frequently used as a general indicator of a substance's acute toxicity. LD50 are expressed in mg or Bq per kg of species (animal, human), and can correspond to different types of contamination (inhalation, oral or dermal). European Commission (directive 2001/59/EC) proposed a classification into 4 categories.
Carcinogenicity or carcinogenic activity :
Ability of any substance, radionuclide or radiation, to cause cancer. This may be due to the ability to damage the genome or to the disruption of cellular metabolic processes.
The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) published the classification of possible carcinogens into 5 groups (G1, G2A, G2B, G3 and G4).
Radiotoxicity :
Ability of an incorporated substance to cause harmful effects on the body because of its radioactivity. Radionuclides have been classified for radiation protection purposes, into five risk groups (Delacroix, 2002) expressed in Bq. The classification is based on IAEA Basic Safety Standard.
Ingestion factor fA :
The alimentary tract transfer factor, fA is the fraction (values ranging between 0 and 1) of activity entering the alimentary tract that is absorbed to blood, taking no account of losses due to radioactive decay or endogeneous input of activity into the tract.
ICRP 100 (2006) recommend values for fA.
Dose coefficients or DPUI (Dose Per Unit Content) :
Dose coefficients correspond to committed equivalent doses in organ or tissue per unit intake (hT(t)) or committed effective dose per unit intake e(t), where t is the time period in years aver which the dose is integrated (i.e. 50 years for adults). The term DPUI (Sv/Bq) is also used to mean dose coefficients.
Decorporation :
Decorporation is the removal or release from tissue or a cell of radioactive material previously incorporated (inhalation , ingestion or wound) in it.